Pursuant to Article V, Section 8 of the DPH Constitution we have the following Standing Committees, each with own responsibilities as required by Article V, Section 9 of the DPH Bylaws and for matters delegated or duties as from time-to-time may be assigned to it by the Chair and/or State Central Committee:
Finance, Platform, Legislation, Rules, Affirmative Action, Membership, Fundraising, Communications, Community Relations, Convention, Campaign, and Compliance Review.
If you are looking to getting involved with the State Party these are the committees that do the work of the Party. There is something for everyone.
* = Interim Appointment(s) awaiting advice & consent of the SCC.
The Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer and shall prepare the biennial budget in consultation with the Party Chairperson. Its membership shall include at least one (1) member from each County. This budget shall be presented to the members of the State Central Committee at the meeting following the initial organizational meeting of the State Central Committee and
(1) Review and analyze the approved budget
(2) Submit written policies and procedures
(3) Oversee special fund raising projects
(4) Review staff appointments made by the Party Chairperson
Chair: Larry Mecham
The Platform Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and proposing updates to the Democratic Party of HawaiÊ»i’s Platform and work to encourage support of the Platform. The Platform Committee shall also be responsible for formulation, distribution and collecting results of the Democratic Party of HawaiÊ»i Platform Survey as required for all candidates running as a member of the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i.
Chair: Abby Simmons
Co-Vice Chairs:
Troy Hashimoto
Charlie Ice
The Legislation Committee shall be responsible for preparing and promoting the passage of legislation consistent with the positions of the Democratic Party as expressed in the platform and resolutions adopted at the State Convention, or by a vote of the State Central Committee. The Legislation Committee shall prepare a plan for approval by the State Central Committee prior to each legislative session, shall provide timely reports to the State Central Committee during the session and shall be subject to oversight by the State Central Committee.
Chair: Bronson Silva
Co-Vice Chairs:
Osa Tui
Laura Acasio
Sarah Simmons
The Rules Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and proposing updates to the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i Constitution and Bylaws, assisting in the development of the Standing Rules for the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i, reviewing and determining the validity of changes submitted by the Counties and Caucuses Bylaws, reviewing requests for establishment of new caucuses to assure eligibility requirements are met, making recommendations for certification, reviewing any allegations of rules violations and reporting its findings and recommendations to the State Central Committee, and interpreting the Constitution and Bylaws when called upon by the Chair or members of the State Central Committee.
Chair: Jesse Souki
Vice Chair: Stephanie Kim
The Affirmative Action Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and proposing updates to the Democratic Party of HawaiÊ»i’s Affirmative Action plan, implementing the Affirmative Action Plan, assisting the Membership Committee in outreach to under-represented communities in the Democratic Party of HawaiÊ»i, and ensuring that concerted efforts are made to reach those communities.
Chair: Nicky Watts
Co-Vice Chair:
Dave Nagaji
Ariel Hall
The Membership Committee shall be responsible for coordinating recruitment of new members and membership drives, developing and maintaining on boarding procedures for new members, encouraging the registration of voters, as well as coordinating membership enhancements – i.e. talent management. The Membership Committee shall also be responsible for training materials.
Chair: Emmanuel Baltazar
Co-Vice Chair:
Margie Merryman
Jun Shin
The Fundraising Committee shall be responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing statewide Democratic Party of HawaiÊ»i fundraising activities. The Fundraising Committee will also develop and offer training on fundraising requirements for the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i.
Chair: Aria Castillo
Vice Chair: Jadine Nielson
The Communications Committee shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining the Democratic Party of HawaiÊ»i’s social media platforms as well as establishing and maintaining a member newsletter. It will also maintain a media outreach center.
Chairs: Lynn Robinson-Onderko
Vice Chair: Kaleo Chang
The Community Relations Committee shall be responsible for social services projects on behalf of the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i, as well as developing a plan for building positive relationships with key community organizations that support the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i platform in the community.
Chair: Shannon Matson
Co-Vice Chair:
Brendan Kinoshita
Anthony Miranda
The Convention Committee shall be responsible for planning, organizing, fundraising and implementing the biennial Democratic Party of Hawai‘i State Convention. By a date established by the State Central Committee, the Convention Committee shall recommend to the State Central Committee a Convention plan that will include the suggested theme for the Convention, the recommended location of the Convention, a recommended Convention budget, a fundraising plan, and the recommended State Convention Standing Rules. This information will be provided to State Central Committee members at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the meeting in which this information will be considered by the State Central Committee. The Convention Committee shall be responsible for matters delegated or duties as from time-to-time may be assigned to it by the Chair and/or State Central Committee.
Co-Chairs: TBD
The Campaign Committee shall be responsible for training of members to run campaigns – candidates, volunteer coordinators, campaign managers, and campaign treasurers.
Chairs: Tyler Dos Santos-Tam
Vice Chair: Adrian Tam
The Compliance Review Committee shall be responsible for ensuring an annual review of the financial records of the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i for compliance with any federal, state, Democratic Party of HawaiÊ»i and Democratic National Committee requirements and proper authorized expenditures, and shall review the system it uses to account for revenue and expenses.
Co-Chairs: Larry Smith
Vice Chair: Joell Edwards
In the 3-year term proceeding the Presidential Election the Party-run Presidential Primary Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the requirements from the Democratic National Committee that govern the process to hold a Party run Presidential Primary (PPP) so they can assist in writing the Delegate Selection Plan and develop the program to implement the PPP and lead the effort to fundraise to pay for their plan. In the 1st year after a PPP the Committee shall review the process just used to provide advice and suggestions to make the system more accessible for all members to vote.
Chair: TBD
Vice Chair: TBD